December 15, 2009

kiwi strawberry rollet cake

Great news! I will be giving French baking classes soon. I have been putting together plans to start teaching french baking classes. It has been on my mind for a while and I have been talking to my friends and customers to get some feedback. Many of them have asked to come and learn, watch, be an assistant or to get recipes for my cakes and pastries. So look forward to more plans and details on that.
My friend Atousa had invited us over for dinner this past weekend. My husband and I decided to make a rollet cake to take as dessert. I figured I would experiment with teaching him how to make a rollet cake. Mind you, it was a little frustrating teaching him :) as he just doesn't listen sometimes, but he was a good student after all. It took us about 2 hours to get it all done and believe it or not, it came out great.
Here are the quick details of the cake we made. It was a white cake with whip cream and chocolate shavings with fruit on top. Kiwis and strawberries look great on chocolate shavings. It gives a holiday look, feel and taste. Everyone loved the taste and the design. They couldn't believe that my husband had made it and not me. Rollet cakes are easier to make than a standard round or square cake and I think they taste better too if you want something different. I add a lemon and orange Zest for additional flavoring and a unique taste. I think there was about 4 or 5 people at the party who wanted to take the class. Yeah!!

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