December 24, 2009

Fruit Tart

For a holiday dessert I thought it would be nice to have a colorful, beautiful dessert to eat. My family loves fruit tarts, because it is a light and a healthy dessert, and fruits are so tasty and good for you.

Fruit tarts are truly works of arts, and this brings out my artistic side. There are so many gorgeous designs you can create with fruit and it brings out the art in your baking. Many people don't want to cut into this gorgeous creation, but eventually you have to eat your artistic creation.

It tastes just as good as it looks, the shell is filled with chocolate then a thin layer of cake, topped with custard and finally fruit. Most people who have ate fruit tarts have not had it with a layer of cake in it. Adding the layer of cake in it really makes the taste and texture even more incredible tasting. Some of you have experienced this incredible taste and know what I mean, and for those who have not you just might want a bite.

I will be putting together all my recipes in a book for sale in the near future, for all of those who have been asking and like to bake. Also sometime soon I will begin teaching classes for those who have asked. Happy New Year to all, and best wishes for 2010!


  1. Nadia's desserts are absolutely delicious. I tasted them at a bridal shower once and fell in love. All of the ladies were dying to taste them and hovered around the table, waiting for their slice. They looked beautiful and tasted scruptious! I think your dessert making business will go very far, Nadia. Keep baking those pastries, girl!
    -Your friend, Farrah

  2. This looks good, really good. I'm sure it tastes good too.

  3. Yummy! I can say that I had a slice of this tart, well a few slices actually, because I can't stop eating custard...its a weakness but I LOVE Nadia's custard!!! Now I know the difference bewteen French style custard and other generic recipes

  4. It looks really cool!

  5. I can't wait to take this class!! I had a slice of this delicious pastry and I couldn't resist having seconds. So, I did!!!
