April 10, 2010

Fruit cake

I had made a beautiful fruit cake for my neighbor's Birthday.  Paula was so so surprised, because 5 neighbors came together to celebrate her Surprise Birthday!  Oh boy was she surprised!  She was so touched she almost cried, and if I think about it she may have shed a few tears that she wiped away real fast.  Paula said "no one had ever done this for me", it made her so happy and emotional. 

The neighbors also had a great time and were so happy that all of them said " this was really great".  It could not have been a more beautiful day of getting 5 neighbors together for a great celebration.  I think I will have to make this a tradition of gathering the neighbors together once every couple months. It is so nice to chat and catch up with everyone and this creates more of a family neighborhood.

Thanks to Kirsten who told me it was her 60th Birthday and initiated the whole event to take place.  We are so blessed to have such caring, loving, and wonderful neighbors.  Everyone brought something to contribute to the celebration which made it even more special.  There was plenty of cake for everyone and they all enjoyed having a large peice of cake, since it was quite tall in height.

This cake was our famous white cake with strawberries and kiwis inside, and decorated with fruit on top.  I think this was the last cake I made before my oven gave out on me.  So yes I have been out of an oven for several months now, and it is absolutely torturous for me.  We have finally ordered another oven and hope it will arrive soon, so I can get back to baking at my home.  I hope to blog again soon with another wonderful and delicious dessert.  Eat healthy and stay happy until next time, bon-appetit!

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