March 16, 2010

Blackforest Cake

Our good friend Steve just had a party, and his favorite cake is a Black forest cake. Most people love chocolate cake and some feel an addiction to it. Maybe it's because chocolate has a little caffeine in it that gives you a kick. This is also my husband's favorite cake, it has fresh whip cream and dark black cherries inside the layers. It can also taste amazing with layers of chocolate ganache and dark black cherries. This is what Prabakar my husband requested for me to make for his Birthday cake. It becomes twice as rich with the chocolate ganache, and so amazing if you are a big chocolate fan. He fell in love with one bite and said it is the best cake I had made for him.  This cake also has No oil or butter in it and low sugar, yet very moist and delicious.  You really don't need oil or butter in cakes, if you know the secret method of making your cake.  It is all in the process of making the cake, so you don't need the extra fat and calories any more.  I am still working on recipe books for you so you can make gourmet cakes and pastries right from your home. 

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