January 18, 2010

Chocolate Eclairs

Chocolate eclairs, ooh how tasty the eclair can be!!! We recently had a Baha'i study circle at our home with about 20 people participating. It was an all day intensive study circle, we started at 9:00am and finished at 5:30pm. I knew I had to make something that would keep people functioning all day long, besides for food (breakfast and lunch). My answer was mini eclairs with hot tea or coffee, Yumm! How to make eclairs? It is easy all you need is a great recipe for eclairs.

A Chocolate eclair dessert is one of my favorite pastries. One of my guests was a beautiful French lady (both inside and out) named Guilmette. She came up to me and said "this is real French custard". She knew her true Eclairs living in France for so many years, and could not believe I had made them. I had also experimented with my original recipe and decided to do something a bit different, that made it more nutritious and tastier. (It will be revealed in my classes and recipe book - hint hint).

I do have to say that French Baking is a labor of love. The reward is seeing the happiness it brings to people and their stomachs. Also the reaction that people have after they eat the pastry - takes me by surprise a lot of times. Some will come up and hug you and love you for it while others will just say you are the best! This is when I have to remember not to let it go to my head, which too many compliments can do to someone. I sometimes don't realize how much people appreciate the effort and quality of a well made dessert and this is why I keep making them. I love to see the joy it brings to people besides for their tummies.

It makes the hard work...well not so hard and definitely worth it!

Until next week, be happy, eat healthy, and bring about more love in this world.


  1. Delicious...but I am trying very hard to resist these beauties Nadia. Thank you for your lovely email, xv.

  2. Hi Nadia Auntie! All your recipes look delicious. Hope to see you soon

  3. Oh Vicki, don't try to resist if you really have a love for anything that has to do with France. They are only gourmet little bites!
    Everything in moderation.

    Bon Appetite!

  4. hey nadia these eclairs look sooooo good... better than the ones we had in Montreal... you better make me one next time u come to canada.. hope u visit soon

    btw if u dont know its lakshman :P

  5. Laks
    hman, better yet, I will teach you how to make the eclairs so you won't need me around. That way you can eat them when ever you like! :) Nadia
